It is common opinion that people are the most important asset in the company. But too often this opinion translates into a slogan for its own sake. We at Area Consulting, on the other hand, know that, although obvious, it is not trivial that without people there is no organization, company or business. This is why we have been specializing in People and Culture for over 2 decades.
Besides the current market situation, there are things that are a constant, such as the fact that, due to multiple factors, certain specific skills are found in surplus in one country, and are scarce in another that would absolutely need them.
Another aspect that we always observe is how difficult is move those skills, that is the people behind them, from a country that has surplus to a country in need. Except for rare cases such as the Schengen area, moving those competences is really difficult, and not only for the governance of migration flows and related socio-political issues, but also (and often) for cultural barriers between countries.
Area Consulting is capable of supporting its clients on several matters:
And this is not just inbound towards Italy (specialized technicians, software engineers…), but also outbound (for example high-profile leadership) to other countries, or between third countries.